Volume: 5 Issue: 1, 6/25/22

Year: 2022

Research Articles

Book Review

Journal of Universal History Studies (JUHIS): It has publishing aim that the fieldworks which are related to the scope of history and archaeology with the rigorous observation of the referee. It is aimed with these studies which are published that contribution of Turkish and World history and mediation of the reunite with readers. The journal wishes to reach a lot more readers with using open access system. 

Journal of Universal History Studies (JUHIS): It is a scientific journal which is refereed journal and published in June and December twice a year. Besides scientific essays, it includes blurbs and reviews.  In the journal; History and Archaeology studies are published. In the journal, we take under review the scientific studies which are written in Turkish and English. It will be carried out guest editorship executions in the journal.

1. The studies which are sent to the journal have to be in determined format and maximum 40 pages.

2. The study has to be in the Word format and it has to be uploaded in the same format.

3. Essay has to be prepared with Times New Roman typeface. Abstracts, text and references have to be 12 type size. Row pitch has to be 1,2, before 6nk and after 6nk. The indent has to be 1,5 cm.

4. Up page has to be 4 cm, down page has to be 2 cm and right – left spaces have to be 2,5 cm. Abstract and the text have to be written justified.

5. Main title has to be written 14 type size, thick and centred. Main title's and Subtitles’ first letters have to be capital.

6. The abstract has to be prepared in 350 words in Turkish and it has to be translated in English and it has to be put in the first page of the study. The keywords have to be written under the abstract and it has to be maximum 5 words.

7. Quotations which are in the studies do not have to exceed 15 % of the study. Quotations which are less than 3 lines have to be written in the text and with inverted comma, quotations which are more than 3 lines have to be written italics and 1,2 row pitch, 1 cm from the right of the line and 1,5 cm from the left of the line, in block and with inverted comma.

8. Page numbers have to be at the end of the page and centred.

9. Footnotes have to be in the text. Footnotes which are given for the purpose of exposition have to be 10 type size and 1 row pitch.

10. Every study has to have bibliography. Bibliography has to start in a separate page.

11. Appendixes have to be given after bibliography and have to be started in a separate page.

12. The elements like table, picture and graphic names which will be used in the text have to be 10 type size and the source has to be shown necessarily.

13. The information which is related to the writer hasn't to be in the text while it is being uploaded to the system. Study has to be written with the rules which are stated in the template, firstly Name and Surname, Institution Information, (Tr and Eng) e-mail and Orcid ID.

14. It should be stated that the articles comply with Research and Publication Ethics. (On the first page)

15. Essays which are sent to the journal will be taken under review after scanning similarity aspect. Similarity rate can be %20 maximum(excluding references).(from 2021).

The Rules of Footnote and Bibliography

1. The books of single writer

  • Intertextual Usage: (İnalcık, 2011, p. 58)

  • Bibliography: İnalcık, Halil(2011) Rönesans Avrupası, İş Bankası Yayınları, İstanbul.

2. The books of two writers

  • Intertextual Usage: (Yücel and Sevim,1991, p. 15)

  • Bibliography: Yücel, Yaşar and Sevim, Ali (1991), Türkiye Tarihi(1018-1839) Volume 1, Türk Tarih Kurumu Yayınları,İstanbul.

3. The books of more than two writers

  • Intertextual Usage: (Sayılı, Karal et al., 1978, p. 18)

  • Bibliography: Sayılı, Aydın; Karal, Enver Ziya et al.(1978), Bilim, Kültür ve Öğretim Dili Olarak Türkçe, Türk Tarih Kurumu Basımevi, Ankara.

4. The essays of single writer

  • Intertextual Usage: (Dokuyan, 2014, p. 65)

  • Bibliography: Dokuyan, Sabit(2014), “Anıtkabir Nasıl İnşa Edildi? Süreç ve Tartışmalar”, History Studies, sayı 6/5, Eylül.(131-156)

5. The essays of two writers

  • Intertextual Usage: (Dokuyan and Tekin, 2017, p. 55)

  • Bibliography: Dokuyan, Sabit and Tekin, Ahmet Coşkun(2017), “1950 Yılında Çıkarılan Genel Af ve Yansımaları”,  Turan-Sam, sayı 36, Eylül.(691-701)

6. The essays of more than two writers

  • Intertextual Usage: (Baker, Ball et al., 1979, p. 13)

  • Bibliography: Dokuyan, Sabit; Fidan, Aysun et al.(2018), “Tarih ve Gerçeklik”, Tarihsel Dönüşüm Dergisi, Sayı 2, Ekim.(272-279)

7. Symposium Statements

  • Intertextual Usage: (Bektaş, 2006, p. 65)

  • Bibliography: Bektaş, İzzettin (2006), “Sözlü Tarihin Tanıklığında Cumhuriyet Döneminde Buldan’da Verem Gerçeği ve Veremle Mücadele”. Buldan Sempozyumu, Denizli

8. Dissertations

  • Intertextual Usage: (Dokuyan, 2013, p. 111)

  • Bibliography: Dokuyan, Sabit(2013), 1945-1950 Yılları Arasında Türkiye, Erciyes Üniversitesi, Kayseri. (Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi)

9. Encyclopedia Article

  • Intertextual Usage: (Dokuyan, 2013, p. 33)

  • Bibliography: Dokuyan, Sabit(2013), “Ahmet Hilmi Kalaç”, Kayseri Ansiklopedisi, Volume 3, İstanbul.

10. Archive Documents

  • Intertextual Usage and Bibliography: (BCA), A25/

11. Newspapers

  • Intertextual Usage: (Vatan, 10.12.1944 p. 15)

  • Bibliography: Vatan Newspaper, 10th July 1944.

12. Assembly Reports

  • Intertextual Usage: (TBMMTD, 15.12.1950, p. 15)

  • Bibliography: TBMMTD, 15th December 1950.

13. Internet Addresses

  • Intertextual Usage: www.dergipark.gov.tr

NOTE: It can be benefited from APA 6 rules except from example usage information above. Please Click for further information.

The Template of Journal: Click for example template which is prepared for the purpose of the habilitation of the studies for the journal format. 

  • Journal of Universal History Studies’s Ethical Principles and Publication Policy is totally structured on “Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).


Ethical Principles for the Writer

  • It is assumed that all the writers who send studies to the journal take on legal responsibility of the writings. Responsibilities about the plagiarism belong to the writers. If an essay is created from the writer’s work, it has to be stated in the footnote. Ant information should not be used without source.
  • Essays which are sent to the journal will be taken under review after scanning similarity aspect. Similarity rate can be %20 maximum (excluding references). (from 2021).
  • People's names who have contribution to the study which is sent for publication should be stated in the study. At the same time, if the person’s name, which is added to the study, who has not any contribution to the study is not ethic. The responsibility belongs to the writer in such cases.
  • The study does not have to be sent more than one journal at the same time.
  • Falsify in the documents and information which are used, using insulting expression to the person and institutions and discrediting national religious feelings should not be in the academic studies.
  • It should be stated that the articles comply with Research and Publication Ethics.
  • For all disciplines (including social sciences), ethics committee approval must be obtained for studies on clinical and experimental people and animals requiring an ethical committee decision, this approval must be specified and documented in the article.
  • In studies requiring ethics committee approval, information about the permission (committee name, date and issue no) should be included in the method and on the first/last page of the article.
  • Before 2020, research data has been used, produced from postgraduate / doctoral studies (should be specified in the article), and the articles that have been submitted to the journal for the previous year, have not received retrospective ethics permission.

The researches requiring the permission of the Ethics Committee are as follows:

  • All kinds of research conducted with qualitative or quantitative approaches that require data collection from participants using survey, interview, focus group work, observation, experiment, interview techniques,
  • Use of humans and animals (including material/data) for experimental or other scientific purposes,

  • Researches on animals,
  • Retrospective studies under the law of protection of personal data,
  • Clinical researches on humans,

Ethical Principles for the Referee

  • Expert people who are appointed as a referee have to take under view the studies in way of neutral and following the ethical rules.
  • The result has to be uploaded to the system after taking under view in a suitable time for the referee. This is important both coming true the expectations and wishes of the writer and the publication process of the journal.
  • If the ethical problems which are not realised by the editors and if the referees realise that problem, they have to inform editorial board immediately.
  • It is expected from the referees that they have to take care for not being sufferer for the studies’ criticism which are examined without reading or caring.

Ethical Principles for the Editors

  • All kinds of studies which are sent to the journal have to be taken under review without distinction.
  • Referee process has to be secret in all conscience.
  • Editors have to work queasily both in the process of the first stage of the study and in the process of the publication, the studies which are found inconvenient have to be refused. 



  • Once the articles are scanned in the plagiarism program, if the article has more than 20% similarity articles are excluded from evaluation process. All articles submitted for evaluation, after being processed by a plagiarism detector software, is accurately read by editors and the conformity/disconformity of the article with the publication policies, content and theme of the journal in academic and ethical terms is determined. Those articles determined to be in disconformity will be returned to the author/s. The editorial board reserves the right to reject manuscripts if they do not meet scholarly originality or follow submission guidelines.
  • The author can withdraw his/her article when it is in preliminary evaluation stage. Article withdrawal option is only active in preliminary stage. Articles submitted to referees, accepted for publication or received a DOI cannot be withdrawn.


  • Articles reviewed and prepared for peer-review will be sent to two reviewers from within the field to be evaluated and reported within 20 days. If one or both reviewers do not respond to the invitation, The Editor re-sends the invitation to the reviewer(s) which should be answered in 5 days. If the invitation is not accepted or answered by one or both reviewers, the invitation is forwarded to the new reviewer(s) in line with the double blind peer review process. One reviewer evaluation is sufficient for book review type studies.
  • If the reviewers do not evaluate the study within 20 days, an additional period of 10 days is granted. The reviewers conduct their evaluations on the reviewer form, which is organized by the Editorial Board of the Journal of Universal History Studies.

  • The reviewers will evaluate the article in terms of authenticity, efficiency of methodology, conformity with ethical rules, presentation of findings and results, bibliography, style and language and report the article as “Major Revision, “Minor Revision”, “Reject”, “Accept” . 
  • The online system organized for reviewer evaluation does not allow the authors and reviewers to see the names of each other. Journal of Universal History Studies adopts the principle of double blind peer review.
  • Articles, unless evaluated as “publishable” by at least two reviewers, will be declined and returned to the author with the reasons attached. Editör in Chief makes the final decision on the date of publication.

  • Authors are asked to upload the article within 10 days after the necessary corrections and review have been performed. Articles which have not been uploaded within this duration are deleted from the system.
  • Spell and language check is also done in this step.
  • The decision shall be made within 3 months at the latest and the owner shall be informed about the publication of the articles sent to the journal.

  • At most one study of a writer can be published in the same year.(from 2021).
  • All rights of the article belong to the author. In this frame, the author reserves the copyright of the work and leaves the first publication rights of the article to Journal of Universal History Studies (JUHIS).


  • The final version is then sent to the Layout Editor in order to produce a galley proof, and the authors receive this proof for final check before publishing.
  • All manuscripts are posted online as pdf files in their final form, indexed in databases with the assigned DOI numbers.

Update: June 2020

J. Univ. Hist. Stud. does not require any fee or any other benefit from the authors for publication / evaluation of the articles submitted.

23283 Journal of Universal History Studies © 2018 by Sabit Dokuyan is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0                                        open access ile ilgili görsel sonucu         

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